This blog is about animals


Monday, September 23, 2019

How To Cultivate A Better Relationship With Your Dog

Your dog is your best friend. However we cannot be around them all the time. We have obligations such as a job. This may mean that your dog will be left alone in your apartment or house. Your dog will have to deal with this, but he or she will not like this. They will find different ways to deal with this lack of attention.
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Lets face it your dog is going to miss you. They actually love you more than you can understand. They will have deal with separation anxiety. Because of this separation anxiety they might destroy stuff or howl when you are gone. However this type of behavior is not acceptable. As the more intelligent creature you will need to train your best friend to deal with your separation with them. This will require some research and patience.

First it is important to understand what causes separation anxiety. They just want you to come home. Being left alone for the first time can be very stressful for them if they are used to human contact every minute of the day. This will be especially evident if your fury friend is from a kennel or shelter. Being locked up is very stressful for any animal. When a dog is freed from such a horrible environment he will feel freedom never experienced before. He will see you as the reason for his freedom. This will create an instant bond with you, and losing contact with you will cause him to feel anxiety.

Dealing with your dogs separation anxiety might just involve doing some simple things. Consider leaving some of your older clothing in an area she or he can get to. Dogs have a great sense of smell and this might help them think of you and reduce their separation anxiety.

If you are planing a vacation where you cannot take your dog, consider asking a friend to look after your fury friend. This friend must know your dog and be willing to take proper care of him. This will help your dog to deal with the problem of separation from you. If your dog is already comfortable with this person this will make the transition time of being without you less problematic.

One thing to remember is punishment will not help your dogs anxiety separation. This can make the situation worse. You need to help your dog understand that you will be back. Leave your dog in a situation they are comfortable with.

Remember your dog is a lot smarter than you think. They require attention as they are your best friend.

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